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  1. Africa's energy landscape is on the verge of transformation. The rise of regional power pooling offers a
    glimpse into the future - a future powered by collaboration, clean energy, and a more robust grid. This
    panel will explore the exciting potential of regional power pooling as a key driver of Africa's energy

    ● What are the key political and regulatory hurdles that need to be addressed to facilitate
    effective regional power pooling across Africa?
    ● WAPP as a model for Africa
    ● The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA): A Catalyst for Regional Power Pooling?
    ● Case study: Mali - Mauritania power line

  2. The world faces a dual challenge: feeding a growing population and transitioning to clean energy. This
    session delves into the fascinating synergy between energy and fertilizer, where advancements in clean
    energy are transforming agriculture.

    ● How are clean energy sources like solar and wind powering fertilizer production, reducing
    reliance on fossil fuels and minimizing environmental impact?
    ● The potential of green ammonia as a future feedstock for fertilizer production, reducing reliance
    on natural gas.
    ● How will SEFCO's carbon capture technology contribute to a more sustainable fertilizer

  3. At COP 28, Italy's €5 million commitment to the Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA) Special
    Fund, managed by the African Development Bank, underscored a crucial point: renewable energy is the
    cornerstone of a sustainable future for Africa. However, unlocking this potential requires innovative
    financing solutions. This session delves deep into the diverse financial tools and strategies that can
    propel Africa's renewable energy transition.

    ● How can innovative financing and funding mechanisms, such as green bonds, grants,
    government funding, climate funds, and blended finance, be deployed to attract large-scale
    investments in renewable energy projects in Africa?
    ● What roles do development partners and financial institutions play in mobilizing and managing
    funds for renewable energy projects, and how can African countries effectively collaborate with
    international development agencies and multilateral financial institutions to secure and deploy
    this funding?
    ● What roles do financial instruments such as insurance, guarantees, and long-term power
    purchase agreements play in enhancing renewable energy projects' bankability and financial

  4. With renewable energy reaching new levels of competitiveness, the MSGBC region has a unique
    opportunity to utilize its natural resources. This panel discussion brings together experts to explore how
    the nations can harness its vast renewable energy potential to electrify the region

    ● Integration of renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, hydrogen and hydropower, into
    the energy mix
    ● Strategies for building a robust and scalable energy storage infrastructure to empower a truly
    renewable energy future
    ● Case studies of successful multi-source renewable energy projects in Africa

  5. This session will delve into the transformative potential of advanced technologies in the MSGBC region,
    as it seeks to revolutionize energy distribution with sustainable technologies. Through dynamic
    discussions and expert insights, participants will explore the benefits, challenges, and implementation
    strategies of technology including smart grids, aiming to pave the way for a more efficient and resilient
    energy infrastructure in the region.

    ● Latest advancements and innovations in smart grid technologies and their applicability
    ● Benefits of microgrids and mini-grids for rural electrification using renewable energy sources.
    ● Strategies for investing in grid infrastructure upgrades, including funding mechanisms and
    public-private partnerships.