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  1. Official Opening of Exhibition
    60 mins
  1. Opening Remarks
    60 mins
    A Blueprint for Progress: Accelerating Growth for Global Excellence
  1. Charting the Course: Towards a Just, Equitable, and Sustainable Future for Africa
    60 mins

    This panel will delve into the imperative of fostering a just, equitable, and sustainable future for Africa,
    with a particular focus on the MSGBC region. Recognizing the interconnectedness of global challenges
    and opportunities, Ministers will explore strategies for charting a course towards inclusive growth, social
    justice, and environmental sustainability. The session will discuss actionable steps and collaborative
    initiatives that are propelling the continent toward full energy security.

    ● Accelerating industrialization to promote and foster sustainable growth
    ● Regional collaboration: Enhancing physical infrastructure and connectivity
    ● Conducive policies and legislative frameworks for a Just Transition

  1. Evolving Leadership: CEO strategies for ensuring energy security in the region
    60 mins

    The energy landscape is undergoing a significant transformation In this panel CEOs and industry
    leaders will share insights and strategies for securing reliable and sustainable energy supplies. Through
    insightful conversations and first-hand experiences, the session will explore how visionary leadership
    can drive innovation, adaptability, and sustainable growth for a secure energy future.

    ● Timelines for ongoing projects: Striking a balance between resource development and
    domestic needs
    ● Fostering innovation and adaptability to address the challenges and opportunities presented by
    decarbonization and technological advancements
    ● Leveraging regional collaboration and strategic partnerships to enhance regional energy
    security and promote long-term sustainability.
    ● Strategic approaches to "future-proof" the industry and mitigate risks associated with market

  1. 60 mins
  1. Emerging frontiers: Leveraging discoveries for growth in West Africa
    60 mins

    Woodside commenced oil production from the Sangomar field offshore Senegal. This significant event
    marks the beginning of a renewed interest in exploration activities across the offshore acreage of West
    Africa. This panel aims to dissect the implications of these advancements, examining the opportunities
    and challenges inherent in unlocking the offshore hydrocarbon potential of West Africa

    ● Exploring the emerging exploration hotspots in West Africa and the impact of recent
    discoveries like Sangomar.
    ● A Focus on Côte d'Ivoire's Calao Discovery: Is it a Game Changer for the Region?
    ● How can service companies adapt and equip themselves to meet the growing needs of West
    Africa's resurgent oil and gas exploration?
    ● Potential economic benefits of oil and gas production for Senegal and the broader region,
    including revenue generation, job creation, and infrastructure development?

  1. Fireside Chat: TBA Investment demand: Attracting investment in current energy prospects
    30 mins
  1. From vision to reality: How will Hydrogen shape Africa’s landscape
    60 mins

    Hydrogen is a critical element in the global transition toward sustainable energy solutions. As countries
    like Morocco, Mauritania, and Namibia emerge at the forefront of this movement, the importance of
    green hydrogen cannot be overstated, especially considering the continent's immense solar and wind
    potential. This panel evaluates ongoing projects and their potential to reshape Africa's energy

    ● Positioning Mauritania as a hub for Africa's Green Future
    ● Focus on the Gambia's recent Green hydrogen MOUs with H2 Gambia and NEK Umwelltechnik
    AG: Is Gambia the next green hydrogen hub?
    ● Green Hydrogen in Industry: Applications in fertilizer, petroleum refining, and steel production
    ● What are the key investments and partnerships needed to develop Africa's hydrogen
    ● What are the biggest challenges to overcome in bringing Africa's hydrogen dream to life? What
    are the potential timelines for large-scale adoption?

  1. 0 Gas-to-Power case study: Balancing Present Needs with future sustainability
    60 mins

    This high-powered panel discussion tackles the controversial topic of gas-to-power in Africa, using
    Senegal's Yakaar-Teranga gas field as a specific case study. The session will explore the potential of
    gas-to-power to address immediate energy needs while critically examining its long-term impact on
    the continent's sustainability goals.

    ● How can Yakaar-Teranga gas effectively address Senegal's energy deficit and drive economic
    ● A focus on Sandiara and Cap-des-Biches Plants, Bir
    ● Strategies for ensuring the successful deployment of gas to power development in Africa
    ● Long-term role of gas in Africa's energy mix, considering the pace of technological
    advancements in renewables and storage solutions

  1. Gala Dinner
    120 mins

Main Stage

  1. Capitalizing Growth: Exploring alternative funding approaches for projects
    60 mins

    With significant endeavors spanning oil and gas, power, technology, and renewable sectors, the MSGBC
    region requires substantial funding to optimize project profitability. This dynamic panel will dive into
    alternative funding strategies designed to ignite growth across projects in all sectors: upstream,
    midstream, and downstream.

    ● Beyond Traditional Finance: Exploring innovative investment solutions to finance projects
    ● Unlocking local financial potential: Exploring opportunities for domestic investment
    ● Public-Private partnerships: Harnessing collaborative funding models for project success
    ● Exploring the potential of Sovereign Wealth Funds in Senegal (FONSIS) and
    Mauritania(Mauritanian Fund for Hydrocarbons)

  1. LNG market trends and their implications for the MSGBC region
    60 mins

    Africa's LNG potential has grown and export capacity is expanding with large-scale projects coming
    online across West Africa and the wider continent. West African countries such as Ghana, Mauritania,
    Senegal, and the Ivory Coast will drive energy security, decarbonization, and economic development
    through large-scale LNG project development and monetization. The panel will delve into the present
    state of West Africa's LNG market, highlighting its pivotal role in fortifying regional energy resilience and
    participating in global trade.

    ● The Greater Tortue Ahmeyim Project- technological advancements in LNG production and
    ● The energy trilemma: Role of LNG in improving energy security, energy sustainability, and
    energy affordability
    ● Strategies for securing project financing to fuel the next wave of LNG market growth

  1. 30 mins
  1. Focus on infrastructure: Revitalizing energy delivery in the MSGBC region
    60 mins

    The MSGBC region's energy future hinges on a robust and efficient infrastructure network, ensuring the
    seamless flow of resources from production sites to end consumers. The session will discuss strategies
    on how countries in the MSGBC region can upgrade and utilize the available infrastructure to boost the
    supply of energy to the rest of the continent and Europe.

    ● Optimizing multimodal transport infrastructure: Leveraging pipelines, ports (Ndayane Port),
    roads, and railways for efficient energy delivery
    ● Full steam ahead: West African Regional Rail Integration, Senegal's railway network, and the
    Transguinean Railway Corridor as catalysts for regional development                                                                                                                                                                                            ● Global and regional cooperation for investment in vital infrastructure: Extraction facilities,
    pipelines, and supporting systems

  1. 90 mins
  1. Presentation: Gambia's offshore acreage - Blocks A2, A4 & A5
    20 mins
  2. Presentation: Guinea-Bissau's untapped potential: A fresh look at oil and gas exploration
    40 mins
  1. Presentation: Unlocking Guinea's oil & gas potential
    20 mins
  1. West Africa's refining potential: Attracting investment and expanding production capacity
    60 mins

    West Africa's recent oil discoveries are a game-changer, but to truly capitalize on this opportunity, the
    region needs robust refining capacity. This session dives into Africa's refining potential, exploring how
    to attract investment and expand production to meet the continent's growing demand for refined
    products and reduce reliance on imports.

    ● Analyzing the state of refineries in West Africa: The Dangote Refinery as a Model for West
    Africa's Refining Future
    ● Strategies to create a more attractive investment climate for the African refining sector,
    including regulatory reforms, fiscal incentives, and risk mitigation measures.
    ● The impact of clean fuel regulations and the energy transition on refining strategies and
    product diversification.
    ● Exploring opportunities for regional collaboration to optimize resource utilization, product
    distribution, and infrastructure development.

  1. Building a thriving local content ecosystem in the region's energy sector
    60 mins

    West Africa's energy sector is at a pivotal point. Recognizing the importance of local participation,
    countries like Mauritania, Senegal, Ghana, and others have implemented progressive local content
    policies. However, translating policy into tangible outcomes requires a strategic and collaborative
    approach. This session goes beyond simply meeting quotas, fostering a collaborative and
    future-oriented approach to local content development in West Africa's energy sector.

    ● How can local companies leverage technology to improve their service offerings and efficiency?
    ● What innovative financing models can be implemented to give SMEs access to capital for
    investment and participation in energy projects?
    ● Case studies on effective local content policies in the globe

  1. In Conversation with H.E. Birame Souleye Diop, Minister of Energy, Petroleum & Mining, Republic of Senegal
    30 mins
    Senegal's recent elections have marked the start of a new era, with a stronger focus on the energy
    sector. To wrap up the event, a discussion with His Excellency Birame Souleye Diop, Minister of Energy,
    Petroleum & Mining of the Republic of Senegal, will provide insight into Senegal's energy future. This
    will include a focus on ongoing projects, strategies to attract investment, and the nation's vision for a
    sustainable and secure energy future
  2. Closing Remarks
    30 mins

Power & Renewables Stage

  1. With renewable energy reaching new levels of competitiveness, the MSGBC region has a unique
    opportunity to utilize its natural resources. This panel discussion brings together experts to explore how
    the nations can harness its vast renewable energy potential to electrify the region

    ● Integration of renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, hydrogen and hydropower, into
    the energy mix
    ● Strategies for building a robust and scalable energy storage infrastructure to empower a truly
    renewable energy future
    ● Case studies of successful multi-source renewable energy projects in Africa

  1. This session will delve into the transformative potential of advanced technologies in the MSGBC region,
    as it seeks to revolutionize energy distribution with sustainable technologies. Through dynamic
    discussions and expert insights, participants will explore the benefits, challenges, and implementation
    strategies of technology including smart grids, aiming to pave the way for a more efficient and resilient
    energy infrastructure in the region.

    ● Latest advancements and innovations in smart grid technologies and their applicability
    ● Benefits of microgrids and mini-grids for rural electrification using renewable energy sources.
    ● Strategies for investing in grid infrastructure upgrades, including funding mechanisms and
    public-private partnerships.

  1. At COP 28, Italy's €5 million commitment to the Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA) Special
    Fund, managed by the African Development Bank, underscored a crucial point: renewable energy is the
    cornerstone of a sustainable future for Africa. However, unlocking this potential requires innovative
    financing solutions. This session delves deep into the diverse financial tools and strategies that can
    propel Africa's renewable energy transition.

    ● How can innovative financing and funding mechanisms, such as green bonds, grants,
    government funding, climate funds, and blended finance, be deployed to attract large-scale
    investments in renewable energy projects in Africa?
    ● What roles do development partners and financial institutions play in mobilizing and managing
    funds for renewable energy projects, and how can African countries effectively collaborate with
    international development agencies and multilateral financial institutions to secure and deploy
    this funding?
    ● What roles do financial instruments such as insurance, guarantees, and long-term power
    purchase agreements play in enhancing renewable energy projects' bankability and financial

  1. Africa's energy landscape is on the verge of transformation. The rise of regional power pooling offers a
    glimpse into the future - a future powered by collaboration, clean energy, and a more robust grid. This
    panel will explore the exciting potential of regional power pooling as a key driver of Africa's energy

    ● What are the key political and regulatory hurdles that need to be addressed to facilitate
    effective regional power pooling across Africa?
    ● WAPP as a model for Africa
    ● The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA): A Catalyst for Regional Power Pooling?
    ● Case study: Mali - Mauritania power line

  1. The world faces a dual challenge: feeding a growing population and transitioning to clean energy. This
    session delves into the fascinating synergy between energy and fertilizer, where advancements in clean
    energy are transforming agriculture.

    ● How are clean energy sources like solar and wind powering fertilizer production, reducing
    reliance on fossil fuels and minimizing environmental impact?
    ● The potential of green ammonia as a future feedstock for fertilizer production, reducing reliance
    on natural gas.
    ● How will SEFCO's carbon capture technology contribute to a more sustainable fertilizer