HyDeal CEO to Discuss Mauritania’s Green Hydrogen at MSGBC 2024
Mauritania plans to produce 12.5 million tons of green hydrogen by 2035, with the majority destined for export to Europe as part of the global energy transition. Leveraging his experience as CEO of HyDeal, the largest European green hydrogen platform, Thierry Lepercq will speak at the MSGBC Oil, Gas & Power 2024 conference and exhibition in Dakar from December 3-4.
Lepercq founded HyDeal Ambition in 2020 with the goal of making green hydrogen competitive with fossil fuels. The platform unites 30 companies across the entire green hydrogen value chain, including solar power generation, electrolyzer manufacturing, project engineering, gas transmission and storage, industrial applications, and financing.
HyDeal’s first project, HyDeal España, will feature 4.8 GW of solar power and 3.3 GW of electrolyzers, supplying 3 million tons of green hydrogen over 20 years to major industrial clusters in Spain at competitive prices. Set to start production in 2028, the project will become the world’s largest green hydrogen project, according to the International Renewable Energy Agency.
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Lepercq will leverage his experience from HyDeal España to discuss similar green hydrogen and green iron projects in Mauritania during the conference. Mauritania aims to become a hub for green hydrogen production, supported by projects such as Greengo’s 35 MW Megaton Moon or CWP’s 30GW Aman, which plans to produce green iron in collaboration with the national mining company, SNIM.
However, financing large-scale green hydrogen projects remains a challenge in the MSGBC region. To attract European investors, the Mauritanian government is developing a green hydrogen code and plans to introduce tax breaks, including a reduction of the tax rate on approved subcontractors to 2% for green hydrogen projects starting construction before 2030, and 4% for those starting after 2030. Drawing on his experience with HyDeal España, Lepercq will share best practices for funding green hydrogen initiatives.
“Lepercq’s participation in MSGBC Oil, Gas & Power 2024 highlights the increasing significance of renewables and green hydrogen in the region’s energy landscape. HyDeal is a pioneering company eager to collaborate with local stakeholders to advance green hydrogen projects,” said Sandra Jeque, Event & Project Director at Energy Capital & Power.